Intense Pulsed Light: PhotoFacial

“Improve Your Skin Tone and Texture”

Who is an IPL PhotoFacial for?

Sharplight ® Skin Rejuvenation and Dual VP treatments might be the best option for you if:

  • You are interested in achieving significant results with minimal recovery time.

  • You have broken capillaries, cherry angiomas and redness you’d like to diminish.

  • You'd like to reduce sunspots and uneven skin tone.

  • You'd like to improve the appearance of fine lines.

What are Intense Pulsed Light Skin Treatments?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacials are a key treatment for photoaged skin. SharpLight’s IPL targets unwanted pigment, broken capillaries, and fine lines caused by sun damage, leaving you with clearer, brighter, and more evenly textured skin. An IPL PhotoFacial is an effective treatment for the face, neck, hands, and chest.

Vascular Lesions

For the treatment of spider veins and some cherry spots.

  • The light pulse targets the red pigment in the blood, which heats and damages the vessel without affecting the skin or other tissues.

Pigmented Lesions

For the treatment of age spots, freckles, flat pigmented birthmarks and other skin discoloration problems such as poikiloderma and erythromelanosis of the neck

  • Light pulses target the melanin on the skin’s surface, which heats and destroys melanin to remove the discoloration.

Fine Lines

  • By heating the deeper layer of the skin, IPL stimulates collagen growth and helps improve the skin’s texture, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


  • The number of sessions varies depending on each individual’s skin colour type and degree and depth of photoaging.

    Skin damage is treated in layers because this is how excessive pigment presents in the skin.

    Superficial broken capillaries may require several sessions to remove the lesion effectively.

    Typically, three to six sessions are required to achieve the overall improvement of the skin.

  • You may feel mild discomfort and a little heat during a session. The skin is cooled after your treatment to provide more comfortable and safer treatment.

  • During the first few days following your IPL treatment session, the treated skin may be red and slightly swollen. In the following 7-10 days, brown spots will become darker, possibly crust then flake off. Broken capillaries may appear blurred or bluish or may disappear completely.

  • PhotoFacial: Face, Neck & Chest

    Vascular and Pigment Spot Treatment
    Starting at $50

Before and After Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

“I am a skeptic, to say the least of all things skincare, BUT Melanie blew me away. I have had scar revision on my face, massive acne issues from 14-31 years of age and brown age spots everywhere due to lack of sunscreen when younger. When I arrived and described my situation Melanie blew me away with her knowledge. I appreciate that she came from Vancouver before and has worked in skincare longterm. She understands the face and how muscles, lines, and scars work. I did the oxyogeno facial with some IPL, which was wonderful. I am planning to go back, to work on deeper scaring and target the cat scar on my face. I highly recommend her for any type of work you want done!”

— Stefanie B